Kinnoull Primary School

Kinnoull Primary School

Life at Kinnoull Primary School

Primary 6



P6 have done a lot of fun bonding activities aimed at helping them settle in the school routine, reconnect with their peers and make them stronger as a team. They have been busy revising parts of speech and becoming confident in recognising nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives which will help them to up level their writing. Through games we have been intensely revising times tables to make sure we are confident and can apply our knowledge in any maths problems. What's more we have been consolidating our knowledge on prime numbers, factors and multiples of numbers and make sure we use that knowledge when recalling multiplication facts. We have been having lots of fun with geography, P6 are now confident in listing and placing continents and oceans on the map. We will be doing more map working and we will become experts in locating places around the world!




As we come to the end of the year, Primary 6 has enjoyed a variety of fun activities and exciting learning opportunities in 2021!

We have developed our understating of reading strategies and skills by working through a specific focus each week through our class novel; Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit and our Literature Circle novels ranging from Folk Tales to Sci-Fi Adventures! The strategies we have covered so far include Prior Knowledge, Metalinguistics, Visualisation and Main Idea with Inference and Summarising being covered in term 3.

We’ve been utilising our numeracy and maths skills in a variety of ways including deciding which of the 4 operations to use when solving money problems, being human bar graphs as part of our outdoor learning experiences, carrying out a variety of data analysis investigations and converting that data into various forms that could be used in the real world. We know how to set out a bill, compare and decide on best buys, calculate basic profit and loss, solve budgeting problems and explain the uses of credit cards. We put our ‘giving change’ skills to the test at our Class Sandwich Station and Local Supermarket! We even threw in some beautiful well-mannered customer service skills!

We’ve been incredibly creative through our topic work covering Modern Scotland, Diversity and Inclusion and Band Hero. Our class sketching trip following ‘Perths Art Trail’ was a roaring success and an exciting winter adventure to see a variety of artists interruptions of iconic stories and landmarks in and around Perth. We researched and took notes about both Historic and Modern Scotland resulting in us creating new texts in the form of a Visit Scotland pamphlet, using persuasive langue, funny stories and exciting and inviting graphics to show everything Scotland has to offer.

Looking further into our writing skills and development, we expanded our imaginations and creative writing skills through creating exciting endings to fictional stories and creating descriptive stories around a given visual setting. We also dived into the world of poetry focusing on stanzas, rhythm and rhyme and poetic devices, with many of us sharing our winter poems in our Learning Steps Jotters.

Looking at the Slavery triangle further expanded our worldly and historical knowledge, further embedding our understanding of diversity and inclusion. We looked at both African culture and The Slave trade in America. We looked at Tribal art and pattern work, making masks and bookmarks and listening to ancient African stories and music. We were inspired by Harriet Tubman and William Wilberforce who worked tirelessly to free and campaign for the abolishment of slavery with Harriet Tubman being instrumental in the ‘Underground Railway. We ourselves wrote campaign letters to fight for the freedom of slaves in the South and we wrote diary entries from a slave’s perspective, the night before escaping to safety in the North. We know it must have been a frightening and treacherous journey and one that no person should have ever had to face. All of what we learned, further reminded us of the importance of equality for all and to treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated.

We’ve begun Band Hero creating a band identity, name, logo and character profiles which will be continued into January. So, keep your eyes and ears peeled for our album cover art work and our song lyrics and jamming music session recordings!


We’ve also been incredibly arty and had fun using a variety of medias and materials including our watercolour paintings of Scone Palace, our Jackson Pollock Fourth Rail Bridge Fireworks Night pictures. We learned about the history of the artist along with the powers of tinting and shading paintings and pictures and the power light and dark tones can create within an image. We enjoyed Pop art Poppies for Remembrance Day and learning about the famous style of Andy Warhol. We look forward to sharing out public art sketch books and have had a glittertastic run up to Christmas with our Starry Nights Stags, Grinchy Christmas Bauble hands and our Christmas Star Wreaths!


We’ve continued to keep ourselves fit and healthy through team building games, circuits training, football, Scottish Country dancing and gymnastics with our strictly come balancing acts stealing the show. Miss Graf and Miss Warren gave us all 10’s across the board! We’ve also been investigating the power of social media, it’s advantages and disadvantages, it’s effects on our mental health and how to keep ourselves safe online.  We’ve sang, danced and acted our way to the end of term too with our Drama mission to planet Amars, where we had to investigate a missing pioneer who never returned with her crew from the space mission. We loved all opportunities to play a variety of characters whilst we carried out investigation into the mysterious disappearance of Jamie! We performed a variety of scenes and scenarios as to what we believed may have happened to her including, freeze frames of the monument commissioned to commemorate the space mission. It was so much fun and some of us have learned we are born for the stage!

We finished the year by singing our hearts out to ‘O little town of Bethlehem’ and ‘I wish it could be Christmas every day!’ which we hope you enjoyed watching on the link to Kinnoull Primary’s Virtual Carol Concert, that was shared through the school communications forum.

Which brings this update to a close!  We hope you’ve enjoyed reading a flavour of what we’ve been learning and we hope everyone gets the chance to create, cook or bake a recipe from our Kinnoull Primary Recipe book whilst having a very merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year. We look forward to taking you on the next part of our learning journey in 2022!!!!